Sunday, November 21, 2010

Spirit Days

What spirit days would you like to see at DHS this year?


  1. Maybe a spirit week before Christmas break. I remember having that at MMS but I don't remember having one here. It was really fun and I know the DHS community could go all out like the Homecoming spirit week. For example, there could be a "santa hat day" or "christmas tree day"...I'm sure the council could come up with better ones. :)

  2. what about like crazy hat/sock day we used to have in elementary school? i definitely think we should aim to have one spirit day once a month. how about a whiteout before a big hockey game?

  3. Thanks for the great suggestions! We loved the idea of spirit days before winter break! The holiday spirit day is this Thursday, Dec. 23rd. We're also considering crazy hat/sock/hair days for our upcoming spirit days; we're aiming to have one every month. Thanks again for contributing your opinion. :)

  4. maybe a spirit day the week that we get back from break that would be funny:
    wear the (ugly) clothes that you grandparents made/gave to you
